
The Microsurgery Research and Training Lab, Dept of Orthopedics has a year-long Microsurgery Research Program for post-bacs and medical students. This Program is directed by Drs. Rosenwasser and Yelena Akelina, and based in our Microsurgery Laboratory, PH-1158. Our goal in creating this program is to provide research opportunities in Microsurgery for students. We offer this research opportunity as a volunteer (unpaid) position to 3rd year medical students or post-bacs who are taking a year off to gain research experience in an academic environment.
We expect that this program will help the student in gaining research experience before applying to the medical school and making a decision about their surgical specialty before applying to the residency since microsurgery is a surgical skill that related to many surgical fields. The medical school curriculum provides little exposure to microsurgery and our proposed program will present a unique opportunity to have hands-on experience, performing experimental microsurgical procedures under the direct supervision of the instructor. Students will also participate in the design and performance of scientific experiments. In addition, they will perform post-operative care of relevant animal models and participate in data analysis and interpretation. Each student will be encouraged to submit it for publication in a peer-reviewed journal or/and present it on a major specialty meeting.
Please contact us for more information about research opportunities